Friday, September 24, 2010

Change of Plans Are In Order

Wednesday started out like any other type of day. We got up and did our normal 4 mile walk. The plan for the day was to run to the bank, dry cleaners, and the local Honda shop. Before we were going to go I took the truck down the hill in the campground to take the trash to the dumpster. When I came back to the rig I saw Maxine lying on the ground outside of the rig. I quickly parked the truck and found out that she had fallen down the RV steps.

Max has had two knee operations on one knee and one on the other. She said that when she fell her left knee cap rotated 90 degrees. I helped her up and got her back into the rig to put ice on it. She could not put any weight on the leg at all. After about 10 minutes we determined that this was not an ordinary sprain. So we decided to go to the emergency room to have it checked out.

We arrived at the St. Francis hospital at about 1:30 and they eventually got to her. They did an x-ray and must have seen something so they ordered a CT Scan. After about 7 hours they finally told her that she had a Tibia Plateau fracture behind the knee. They also see something with the ACL and MCS but are not sure without an MRI. They referred us to an Orthopedic for follow up.

They put Max into a leg split with strict orders to not put any weight on it and to call the Ortho doctor in the morning for an appointment. We left the ER and headed to Walgreens to get her pain medications that they prescribed.

On Thursday we saw the Ortho doctor and he told her that the fracture if you were going to do it was in the best place and should heal without surgical intervention but she has to keep weight of of it for eight weeks. Once we get to Phoenix she is suppose to follow up with an Ortho doctor there.  As far as the ACL and MCS they will not do anything about that until the leg heals. So we still do not know if she will need surgery on it or not. So our plans now are to get to Phoenix early and to have her recuperate there. Hopefully the campground we will be at will let us come a month early.

Getting the motorcycle and trailer there is another issue. I called the local GWRRA chapter directors and they are going to let me leave the bike at their house. Once I get set up in Phoenix I will leave Max at her sisters and will fly back to Colorado Springs and ride the bike back to Phoenix.

The next few months are not quite what we had planned, but we will muddle through it. I always said that if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans!


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